Random status report #1

Yeah, so it’s been a whle since I posted the how-to-play page, and still no character movesets.  Now don’t worry, this site hasn’t died, I’ve simply been busy with college papers and exams and all that other fun stuff.  When I do have free time I tend to work on my latest project for Make Your Move 7, but rest assured I have been brainstorming for our favorite Bowser’s children to beat each other to a pulp 😉

As soon as I finish my current MYM7 project I’ll get at least once character posted here, possibly more since I actually have more ideas for the 2nd and 3rd character reveals than the 1st, lol.  Since I’m nice, I’ll say that the first character to have a moveset posted will be Larry, and his playstyle of choice is the tried-and-true rushdown style.  For those unaquainted with the term, that means that he starts attacking and never lets up till you’re dead.  Nearly 100% offense.  Personally, I’m not a fan of that style, but it’s a legit strategy so I’ll do my best to make a good adaptation of it into Koopaling Khaos’ mechanics.

So that’s a little teaser of things to come!  Things have been going real slowly, but once the school semester is over I’ll have time to actually give this place the attention it deserves.